
Showing posts from August, 2013

2013 International Coastal Cleanup - Philippines Schedule Announcement

The 2013 International Coastal Cleanup which is scheduled on September 21, Saturday will push through. However, in case of adverse weather condition as announced by PAGASA a day before the ICC, the cleanup activity will be cancelled.  The following Saturday or the next weekend, if weather condition is favorable, the cleanup may be conducted in the same designated cleanup site. Area ICC Coordinators have the option to conduct their cleanup before ICC Day or any day after September 21 to October 21. If this is the case, they should inform ICC Philippines to monitor the results of their cleanup. Please visit  for more info on ICC and update on Metro Manila cleanup sites.

2013 Coastal Cleanup Set for September 21, Saturday

For 27 years now, Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) has been at the forefront for ocean’s health. Every year on the third Saturday in September, environmental activists of all ages descend to beaches, coasts and waterways to remove the trash and debris that impacts water quality, wildlife, people, tourism and economies. They record information on the debris collected on a standardized data card and the body of data collected over the years will provide us item-by-item, location-by-location accounting of what’s trashing our oceans so that we can develop smart solutions. This year is another chapter in the fight against marine debris and ICC is one way for anyone, anywhere to make a difference. On September 21, 2013, Saturday from 7:00 am to 11:00 am, we would like to invite everyone to join the 28th International Coastal Cleanup Day. No registration fee. Just register/ signup at: Please visit ou...